Antique Vintage Violin

Violin used, old label, Italy

Violin used, old label, Italy
Violin used, old label, Italy
Violin used, old label, Italy
Violin used, old label, Italy
Violin used, old label, Italy
Violin used, old label, Italy
Violin used, old label, Italy
Violin used, old label, Italy
Violin used, old label, Italy
Violin used, old label, Italy
Violin used, old label, Italy
Violin used, old label, Italy
Violin used, old label, Italy
Violin used, old label, Italy
Violin used, old label, Italy

Violin used, old label, Italy  Violin used, old label, Italy

Old complete violin in well-preserved condition. The setting will definitely change after maintenance.

It has not been used for 3 years, Maybe it requires maintenance. The equipment is apparently old, but it still sounds good. Eg: the rust of the thin string...................... There is no crack fracture.

The neck was repaired a long time ago, now I don't know how much it can hold. The soul is in place... , but take into account that it can move out during transport. Please ask about the price.

If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them. Those who knowingly will not pay, please don't reflect. Fragen Sie nach dem Preis... Deutschland 40 Euro--Italien 50 Euro, Portugal 65 Euro... Bitte bieten Sie nur, wer zahlen kann.

Wenn Sie ein Angebot haben, scheuen Sie sich bitte nicht, mir zu schreiben. Wenn es passt, werde ich die Auktion ändern.

Es kann sogar sofort gekauft werden. If you have an offer, please don't be shy to write to me.

Violin used, old label, Italy  Violin used, old label, Italy